a couple of days ago I disoverd that if you piece all the trinity pre celtic spirals together. you end up with the shape of the universe. .!!
I was watching a lecture on http://feedthefire.ning.com/video/video/listTagged?tag=mathematicians about how the world is made of blackholes.and what we are seeing is the light that send out by that black hole and is being turned around. and that way giving structure to the universe. http://www.theresonanceproject.org/ crystallizing it
important in the lecture is that the universe takes on a circular shape supported by a David star. ( two triangles who are opposing forces)
I tought hey I know a shape that is a spiral and a triangle. Its a symbol I always loved as a child. I saw it for the first time in Bretagne in france I have a medallion of this symbol and a Tshirt ( thats to small now)
So I started puzzling. and I did that whole night long.
first I tried. tried to fit them together normally at that point I only could make a triangle but they fitted together perfectly. then I turned them around ( see one of the picture) and I could make the star of David. than I kept on putting things together and I ended up with the way our universe is made of. with all the structures of light. etc It was an amazing find and I would love to share it with you guys.
I realized that every one of them was a blackhole.
- notice that even the small triangles in the middle of the symbol have become stars of david. so making it perfect * that's also a blackhole
- notice that only the outside of the circel is empty showing us that we live in a blackhole.
- there was no other way to fit these things together and make a bigger shape. I tried many shapes. just for fun . only able to make a triangle. and this.
look at these graphs.from http://www.theresonanceproject.org/graphics.html
its the same thing.
Also Google for the flower of life. an ancient symbol that shows you how how the black holes are interacting with each other just as in the trinity .
what does this mean. lets trow our history books away. things are just not what we have structured it to be let the structure not be the driving force in this. empty your self. make space for new light
I will make youtube video out of this.. all. hope that will be easier to understand.
DJ www.douwedicht.blogspot.com
uncovering the secret of the Celtic trinityspiral . ( hint it forms the universe)
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celtic spiral shape of the universe.
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Douwe Jan Schrale
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